Educare Private School in Houston TX, The health and safety of our staff and the children entrusted to our care is our top priority. Our private school located in 77090 off 1960 and kuykendahl takes the following steps to ensure the safety of our children and staff.
We have our private school professionally decontaminated each week.
Requiring any children or staff with respiratory illness symptoms or fever to return home and stay home until fever free for at least 24 hours and a clearance to return by a healthcare provider.
External drop-off and pick-up by parents.
Daily temperature checks for all students, teachers, and staff.
Frequent disinfecting and sanitizing of high-touch toys.
Frequent handwashing by children and staff, which is embedded in our curriculum and daily staff protocols.
Training teachers on common signs of illness in children, and placing signage in every classroom to keep signs of illness top of mind.
Daily laundering of crib sheets for infants; for older children, individual cots and blankets are provided for each child and laundered weekly.
Ensuring appropriate teacher-student classroom ratios.